Monday, April 6, 2009

Breakwater Beach, Mattituck NY

The sun doesn't rain:

A cartoon full of common feelings comes loose from the television,
collides with my soft feet, these shoes cost nothing because I found them on a body -
sleeping not dead – a short sleep. He woke up and ran since he thought he got robbed,
but he just got borrowed – I found a pair of socks in a washing machine,
dried them out as I wore them. A neighbor got shot and stabbed so I stayed away from home
caught the bus to the next block and the creeps just continue into the next neighborhood -

she looked cute next to fresh fruit because the color of her clothes were
more interesting than normal, a new age store with a window of palm-reading books
I'm illiterate, the future is badly written, my girlfriend said she was broke so I said
I would lend her some money as soon as I could borrow it, turns out she
actually said we were broke up, I asked her with who, she said 'with me'
I forgot we were going out – too distracted by my own voice
My voice just repeats the voice in my head, I chase after it and it is gone,
hands on either side of my skull – every sentence takes a long time to finish
so I just quit halfway through and pretend i'm trying to imply something smart.

Dead friends are still getting high on formaldehyde and roses
pleasure is dead inside me and I can't find a place for my body
all the scavengers are coming, the people who feed on dead pleasure
I fell into a nap and couldn't figure out how to wake up again,
finally my eyes opened and there was a girl in my bed
who said I fulfilled her fantasy, I filed for a divorce right there
without even looking at her fingers – mine smelt like her interior,
ran out the backdoor when she was coming all over

I passed a dumpster on the way and found a mattress inside
I was about to lie down again when the sun started raining,
I said 'the sun doesnt rain' and someone else said 'no,
oh yes it does'
My side project w/Makeshivt Kitty (Los Angeles CA)
will be distributed via,
a website based in Salamanca, Spain!
Listen to mp3s @